Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oracle 10g R2 RAC on Centos 5 using NFS (On a Laptop)

This might sound old to those who are already experts in Oracle RAC and also now that Oracle 11g R2 is already out.

I just finished an Oracle 10g R2 RAC installation on Centos 5 using NFS as shared storage.  I was able to document the whole installation process (compelete with screenshots), so I promise to post it here soon.

Here are some of the post-installation screenshots:

checking RAC status using crs_stat

EM Home Page

OT: I tried Oracle 11g R2 last week because I wanted to find out how the Single-instance + ASM installation on the new release goes. Unfortunately, I failed twice on Grid Infrastructure installation.  I hope that I'll have time to retry the installation.  (and hopefully Oracle already has documents for the CRS error that I encountered)

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